Tile & Stone Craftsmanship | Ceramic Designs

Tile & Stone Craftsmanship

Ceramic Designs never ceases to amaze me with their stunning work with tile and stone. They are experts in their field with years and years of experience. We live in a day filled with so many scams and fakes that sometimes it’s easy to be hesitant and cautious about hiring someone to do work on your home. But let me tell you, if you hire Ceramic Designs, you can lay those fears aside! You’ll find honest workers that you can trust.

Several homes in this scheduled shoot were homes affected by the Carr Fire. Going into those affected areas brought back the memories from that fateful week. But now there are some beautiful new homes constructed and the healing has certainly begun!

I say this every time, but I just love getting to see these homes! I am always inspired seeing the decor in these homes that I want to run home and work on my own house. (Poor Matt…) If you ever need some home decorating inspiration check out my Real Estate Photography Pinterest board, or look at previous blog posts!

Jen Peterson

Hello There! I’m Jen, a wedding and portrait photographer based in Northern California. I love capturing the personal connections between my clients in a bright, fun, and creative way. 


Special 35th Wedding Anniversary


Sunset at Deer Creek Manor