Jen Peterson Photography

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10 Reasons To Be Thankful For

10 Reasons

we can be thankful for during this Holiday Season

We all have something we can be thankful for. Even if you are in a season of life that might be hard right now, or whether life is going great for you, no matter the season, let’s stop and make a list of 10 things we are thankful for. Here are some examples to get you started:

01. Life

You might be struggling to understand what I mean by saying I am thankful for “Life”, but let me share… If you are breathing right now, you have so much to be thankful for! You’re alive! You have not departed from this world yet and you have so much more to offer here on earth. You have so much more to experience before your time is done here. So be thankful for the life you have right now!

02. Family

I think we all can agree to be thankful for our families! Families are a masterwork of art created by God Himself! I know we live in a world of broken families and you might be saying “Yeah right, Jen, my family is split or my loved ones have passed away or my life is just shattered pieces.” but don’t lose your hope and thankfulness for family just because life hasn’t gone the way you dreamed it would have. I can say that because I have been there! But I am even more thankful for Family now than I was before. So stop, take a minute to remember that the love of a family is one of God’s greatest gifts!

03. Friends

I’m sure we all can think of good friends in our lives. That’s something to be thankful for! God puts friends in our lives to help us and support us, all because He cares. I see a lot of families doing “Friendsgiving” this season. That is beautiful! Many times our friends turn into our closest family. So if you struggled with No. 2, don’t worry, we got ya covered with Thankfulness with No. 3!

04. Faith

This is something I am extremely thankful for, my faith. Or more particularly, my faith in God. It has helped me through so many situations in life! Given me peace, even when struggling through life’s storms and even when times are good. The best way I can describe it is a safety net. I always have something to fall back on, no matter what life throws me.

05. Talents

You may think of a talented person as being someone who can sing or play an instrument or sew. But what about those “hidden” talents that people possess? I believe someone who is extremely organized is talented! If you have a special way of listening to a friend or being there for them, that’s a talent! There are so many varieties of talents and everybody has them. God gives everyone specific skill sets for a reason and that’s truly something to be thankful for.

06. Home

If you have a place to dwell in and sleep in at night, you are blessed! Having a place to call home is a wonderful thing. And even better when shared with item No. 2, Family! Our homes are our security and a place of rest. Cherish every moment you have in your home!

07. Food & Clothing

Ok, let’s be honest here, probably most of us are not lacking in the clothing department…and we have at least one fridge full of food plus a pantry, maybe even another fridge out in the garage. If you relate, congratulations, you have SO much to be thankful for! But I gotta know…how many pairs of shoes are in your closet? I think between my mom, my sister, and myself we would have enough to open a pretty good sized shoe store! Haha!

08. Our Country

Whether you live in the United States, Canada or another Country, let’s just stop right now and take a moment to be thankful for our countries. Then take a minute to pray for them and the leaders that are at the helm steering our countries into the future. Another thing to be thankful for; each country has incredible beauty that God has created and guess what?! We get to enjoy it all! He made it just for us!

09. Furry Friends

Are you a dog lover? Cat lover? Or Horse lover? I’m sure most individuals have a furry friend that they love! I know we do! We have both Brody, a German-Shepherd and Rhodesian Ridgeback cross, and Bella, a long-haired Dachshund. They both protect our home and bring smiles to our family. They are part of our family!! I think we can all agree that we’re thankful for our furry friends? Ok, you can go give your furry friend some love now!

10. Laughter

I’m sure you may have heard of the saying “Laugher is the best medicine”? Whoever said that was absolutely right! Nothing is better than having a good laugh after a rough day. Even a smile can brighten up a cloudy day. I’m thankful for the laughter God has given us. Now go ahead and find something to laugh about! Haha!

These 10 reasons are just a small example of things we can be thankful for. I’m sure if we really stop to think some more we could come up with a lot of ways to be thankful in our hearts. I hope this post has helped inspire some thankfulness or at the very least brought you a smile!

Wishing you all a very Happy Thanksgiving! Oh, one more thing I’m thankful for…I’m thankful for YOU!

Love, Jen